Thursday, November 02, 2006

Iles House & Museum of Springfield History

I just ran across Will Howarth's blog for the Iles House, the oldest residence in Springfield, Illinois.

It's been moved and renovated to house the new Museum of Springfield History — you know, all of the other history of our state capital that doesn't deal directly with Abraham Lincoln.

It's location at 7th and Cook places it on the edge of downtown and within walking distance of the various Lincoln sites.

Howarth's blog has some great pictures of the work being done as well as some older photographs from when the moved the house to its current location.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:08 PM


    Just saw your post on the Elijah Iles House in Springfield. Thanks for the comments. The next time you are in Springfield, please stop by and see this early Greek Revival Springfield House.
    I have added your blog to my favorites. Great blog.

    Dick Hart
    Board of Directors
    Elijah Iles House Foundation
    Springfield, Illinois
